Drum Ceremonies and Drum Making

Join me in the sacred art of sound healing with animal drums. Every culture, continent, group and people has drumming in their history. It is the first sound we hear, and feel, as a tiny fetus in our mothers wombs...the heartbeat. It is so very healing, nurturing and comforting. 

Each who desires will get the chance to share what they desire to release and what they desire to receive as we drum for healing.

What's the difference between a Drum Circle and a Drum Ceremony...the simple answer is that drum circles are more celebratory while drum ceremonies have the intention of healing.

Wanting to make your own drum or purchase a drum that Jamie made?

"Includes drums, drumstick, crystals, feathers, leather for handle, animal medicine and care instructions as well as emotional clearing session for pure, aligned intentions. Hides are ethically sourced (meaning animals are wild or free range and used to their entirety. Hide options depend on the season and what can be ethically sourced." -Hollie Hope

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 10" Drum
 $ 188.00 USD
 12" Drum
 $ 222.00 USD
 14" Drum
 $ 311.00 USD
 15" Drum
 $ 333.00 USD
 16" Drum
 $ 388.00 USD
 18" Drum
 $ 444.00 USD
 20" Drum
 $ 488.00 USD

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